This country has no hospitals, no child has been born for 96 years, it is…

When the world is dealing with population issues, with India becoming the most populous country in the world, there is a country where no child has been born for 96 years. The country doesn’t even have a hospital. In the 21st century, do you believe that there is a country that doesn’t have a hospital? Surprisingly, one country does exist; however, it is the smallest in the list of recognized countries. All the prominent leaders of Roman Catholic Christianity reside in this country. The name of this country is Vatican City.

Smallest Country In The World

Vatican City is also the smallest country in the world, and among several surprising things about it, the country hasn’t witnessed a single birth here for 96 years. The country was formed on 11 February 1929, but since then not a single child has been born here.

Vatican City is the power hub of the Christian community as all Catholic churches and Catholic Christians around the globe consider it as their root. The Catholic Church and its priests are controlled from here.

No Hospitals

Significantly, since the establishment of this country, no hospitals have been constructed. There have been numerous requests for a hospital, but each has been rejected. Consequently, individuals who are seriously ill or pregnant women are referred to hospitals in Rome. It is noteworthy that this country is located within the city of Rome.

It is said that the decision of not opening hospitals in Vatican may have been taken due to its small size and the quality of medical facilities in the surrounding area.

No Birth

The area of Vatican City is only 118 acres. Hence, all the patients have to be admitted to clinics and hospitals in Rome. Notably, no one can give birth to a child here because there is no delivery room. Perhaps this is the main reason why no child has been born in Vatican City for 96 years.

Crime Rate

The Vatican is home to around 800-900 people, which includes priests linked to Roman Catholicism. The crime rate in the Vatican is reported to be higher than in other countries. This is attributed to the several individual offenses that occur, primarily involving the millions of tourists who visit here.

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